Welcome to Beliefs 180, where Anita Govender, a Belief Transformation Specialist, helps individuals overcome self-limiting beliefs and find empowerment and freedom. With over 10 years of experience, Anita has been providing belief transformation services to individuals in Rochester, Michigan, and beyond.


Anita's mission is to facilitate healing from traumatic events or current life challenges that are rooted in self-limiting beliefs. By addressing these beliefs, she helps individuals transform into a state of greater self-empowerment and freedom.

Areas of Expertise

Anita specializes in helping individuals who are experiencing emotional impact from various life challenges. Some of the areas she focuses on include:

  • Divorce and Separation

  • Infidelity

  • Retirement

  • Parental Relationships

  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks

  • Agitation and Hopelessness

  • Empty-nester syndrome

Values and Approach

Anita's values and intentions are always focused on integrity, compassion, and cultural sensitivity. She understands the importance of providing a safe space for her clients to be vulnerable without the fear of judgment. This creates an environment where healing can take place.

Services Offered

Anita offers two main services to help individuals on their journey towards belief transformation:

  1. Belief Transformation Course: This course is designed to help individuals identify and address their self-limiting beliefs. Through a series of sessions, Anita guides her clients towards transforming these beliefs into ones that empower and support them.

  2. Reconcile & Resolve Sessions: These sessions are focused on helping individuals find constructive ways of managing their emotions and moving forward in their lives. Anita provides guidance and support to help her clients navigate through challenging situations and find peace.

Whether you choose the Belief Transformation Course or the Reconcile Resolve session, Anita's goal is to empower you, increase your resilience, and fill your life with peace.